Beyond the Black Veil

Phoenix: At age 82 you finally kick the heroine habit! Congratulations. Unfortunately you stopped because you died from an overdose.

**Courtesy of The Amazing Death Predictor!**


On a serious note, I have recently been pondering on the idea of what happens to us when we, as human beings, depart from this mortal life. By no means am I a religious person, but is there life after death? Do our souls go on to another plane of existence? Are we bound by some karmic web and reincarnated into new life on earth until we reach Nirvana? Or is this life just a series of meaningless experiences and that when we die, there is complete nothingness; that we as entities simply cease to exist. Others rely on the faith of their religion and that by abiding to the practices of their particular beliefs, they will either be blessed with salvation and be given passage through the gates of "Heaven," or be condemned to torment into the fires of "Hell." Personally, the concept of "Heaven" seems too unlikely and quite frankly a little boring; and what could be worse than the cruelties in which we, as humans, bring on to each other? We punish ourselves much more than any loving "God" ever would.

Someone once told me they believed that when we die, we just die and life ends. But how can that be? I know that there is no possible way of providing any kind of evidence to support this and that the mere idea of life after death is pure speculation, but how can anyone simply accept the fact that nothing exists beyond this life? I have contemplated on all the different theories of the "afterlife," or lack thereof and I simply cannot comprehend why anyone would believe that once we die there is just darkness and utter nothingness. There are too many experiences and too many enlightening "lessons" that we have encountered and will encounter during this "mortal" journey and it brings me to the conclusion that life itself is way too short for us to even reach our full potential, so there must be something beyond the black veil of death that gives substance to our perpetuity. The particular concept of reincarnation is especially interesting to me because I believe we all are interconnected in some way or another and events of past lives transcend into the next in order to fulfill some sort of karmic lesson. Why do we connect with certain people more than others? Is it really because of personality clashes and personal interest similarities, or is it deeper than that? Perhaps we connect with some people more than others because they unknowingly teach us specific life lessons, as we do to them, that we may not have yet mastered in our "previous" life. We each have a great responsibility and however small and insignificant they may seem, what we do in this life may not just affect us, but everything and everyone around, pulling it all into one perpetual string of motion. When we die in this life, there will always be a part of us that will go on, stretching into the boundaries of the infinity.


  1. murmur said...
    I have a response to this...but I'm not going to post it here. I'm going to post it on my blog. But it's taking a lot longer to write than I expected. It's a very complicated subject. It requires well thought out sentences and big words! I'm working on it but in the meantime..I'm gonna post something about something else...i don't yet...
    phoenix said...
    It is a complicated subject so I can't wait to read what you have to say.

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