Not So Smurfy

It looks like someone in the movie industry has completely run out of ideas. Even after past lame and desperate attempts in film history to put "marginally" popular comic/cartoon and toy icons to the big screen (e.g., Garfield, Richie Rich, Alvin and the Chipmunks and Bratz to name a few,) Paramount Pictures it seems have greenlit the computer animated adaptation of the 1980's classic cartoon series "The Smurfs," which is scheduled to be released sometime during the second half of this year. But what do I know? Perhaps I am being too pessimistic. The film is still in early production stages and I haven't even given the mere idea of it a chance. And who knows? There is still a slim, (might I add very slim,) chance that an emotionally charged, and perhaps even action packed, blockbuster can come out of these little blue creatures whose main drive in life is to avoid being eaten by the evil sorcerer, Gargamel. I can't smurfin' wait to see!


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