Parents From Hell

I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I have to get up at 3am in order to get myself to work by 4am. As soon I get off work, Robbie and I are planning on heading over to the hospital to see Kevin and Kristy. She just had her baby three days ago on the 17th and we wanted to take some time to visit them and their newborn baby girl, Kaitlyn. Later in the evening I will need to head over back to work to attend a meeting at 8pm which is scheduled to last until 11pm and then head back home to try to get a little sleep before I have to go back to work again at 4am the following morning. I should be preparing myself for bed just about now, but I can't help but get consumed by the television and particularly the show, Supernanny. It's fascinating (almost to the point of sickening) to see how many parents there are out there who cannot understand how to supervise and discipline their own children. It angers me to think that there are thousands of parents out there who let their children get away with the most alarming things like allowing them to run around screaming and throwing objects around like silverware in public environments like restaurants or do absolutely nothing when their own kids blatantly hit them or talk back to them. These children are suppose to be our leaders of tomorrow, but how can we possibly expect them to take care of our world's future if we cannot even show them how to respect the environment around them now, let alone their own parents. I don't deny that having children is no easy feat, but there has to be some point in time when a parent, whose own child is behaving inappropriately, should stop and realize that they need to regain control. It does give me a little perspective on all the difficulties that may arise when raising a child, and I am glad that I don't see having one of my own in the near future. Don't get me wrong, I love children and I love being around them but I personally am selfish with my time and I know I wouldn't be able to give them the full attention that they would need from a parent. I often times hear people criticize another person's child by referring to them as "the kids from hell" when in reality it is more fitting to refer to the adults as "the parents from hell." Hopefully Kevin and Kristy are better prepared and will have a little more luck than some of the parents I've seen on this show. I would hate to see their bundle of joy become that monster under the bed.


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