This is epic! I have always wanted to start a blog site just so that I could document the random series of events, interests, obstacles or whatever else it is that this life is going to hurl at me, but I "suppose" I had just been too lazy to really go and find out where and how to do it. With a little help from Phluid, I am proud to say that this site is now up and running, and while I am still in the process of learning how to use the different elements of blogging, I now have somewhere I can record an online journal of my life... this journey onward... this "moonlit path." Although a handwritten diary of events is somewhat more intimate, who likes "writing" anymore anyway? Besides, too much "writing" can get quite tiresome and typing it all is far too easy not to.

In due time this site will soon come along. So far I'm happy with the layout and placements and such, but who's to say where it may go and when I will change my mind? As it is, it's already making me feel giddy and funny inside, as if I have uncovered something monumental; some secret treasure of some sort. It's like "needing" a smoke just when you have run out and finding that one last cigarette hidden inside one of many seemingly empty boxes piled on your desk. Or maybe it's like going into Dynamis in Final Fantasy XI Online hundreds of times and "finally," that final hour passes when you feel as if your eyelids and fingertips are about to just fall off and somewhere in the very back of your head a voice is trying to convince you to manually "D/C" but out of nowhere, a Summoner's Horn drops and you are now 5 out of 5 on your Summoner's relic pieces. If you've never experienced something like that, in Layman's terms it is pure "awesomeness!" \m/(>_<)\m/ And I suppose that's how blogging should feel.


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