There is nothing like being woken up at four in the morning by a pair of paws and relentless unworldly meowing begging and pleading, "feed me! feed me!" Even with my head under the covers, they "know" I'm under there. Who "needs" an alarm clock when you have two cats who have retained the exact timing of when they will get their next bowl of dry, tasteless (yes, I have nibbled on one just to see what the big fuss was about) kitty chow. Just train your kitties to swap at you at whatever time you choose. What a bunch of geniuses!

Today is officially my first day of so called "vacation..." And I'm still up at the butt crack of dawn! Besides relaxing throughout the week, I have plans to finally get this place cleaned up. Let's hope I don't push that project aside until the very last minute. Well, I've gulped down 16 ounces of my vanilla flavored protein shake+1 and am now ready to complete another routine workout. Time to endure a couple hours of squats, lunges and other tiresome lifting. At least it's paying off. Later I think I will finally go and get my hair cut. It's becoming too much of a nuisance in the mornings trying to get that one part to just stand or sit right. Even a handful of "hair gum" sometimes just doesn't do it! Enough said, time to crank up the music.


  1. Anonymous said...
    hahaha love it!
    pHluid said...
    I knew there was a reason they made those cat clocks for the wall. There really is truth to the internal cat clock.

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