
Well known for his thought-provoking images, M.C. Escher was a master of creating works of art that defied the mathematical relationships between architectural shapes and the spaces in which it pervaded. Echochrome takes this idea of distorted perception and fuses it into a unique and optically illusive puzzle game for both the Playstation 3 and PSP, allowing you to control the visual perspective of a series of intricate platforms in order to guide a humanoid figure safely across various obstacles and to specific locations. There are five "perspective laws" in which you must adhere to in order to successfully advance through the stages of the game:

1. Perspective Traveling - When two separate pathways are meshed together as one, then they are one.

2. Perspective Landing - When one platform appears to be above another, then it is above another.

3. Perspective Existence - When a gap between two platforms is blocked by another structure and the pathway seems to be connected, then they are connected.

4. Perspective Absence - When a hole in the platform is hidden from your view, then it does not exist.

5. Perspective Jump - The humanoid figure will only jump onto the surface above it, even if it only "appears" to be above it.

It sounds simple and while there is no set pathway for any level, you will soon realize that such things are easier said than done and this game will eventually consume you with challenges that will leave your mind numb and utterly perplexed.

Echochrome is slated to be released in Japan on March 19th. A U.S. release date is still yet to be determined. You may download a demo of the Japanese PSP version by clicking here. You will be opted to open or save the file. Once you have chosen, simply extract the contents of the zipped document onto your computer, certifying that the extracted folder does not contain any sub-directories. After you have extracted the necessary folder, simply connect your PSP into your PC using a USB cable, remembering to switch your PSP into "USB Mode." Move the folder into the "PSP/GAME/" directory of your PSP's removable memory drive. Once you have finished, disconnect and start your game from the Memory Stick. Once you are in-game, pushing the "X" button will speed up time, while the "triangle" button will "pause" your game, allowing you to think of a solution. A few tutorials will help you understand the basics before you are on your own. Enjoy!


  1. Artemis Irascible said...
    I love Escher. Thanks for posting this, glad to know of it!
    phoenix said...
    No problem! Thanks for visiting my site. Let me know how you like the game!

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