I stumbled upon this video on the internet made by Arman Noory, a high school student in Canada. The short film, made for a Politics class assignment, is a significantly powerful, although somewhat humorous, commentary on the war in Iraq and terrorism using a combination of edited scenes from an 80's porn, political video documentaries, news footage, clips from the Creative Commons Library and funny home-made voice overs. More importantly, it examines and dissects the current state of the nation and delves deeper into the understanding about what real pornography is. In his own words he says:

"My goal was to have a video in contrast to the one-dimensional views we are fed by the media on everything surrounding the war on terror, from the history of US intervention in the Middle East to the economy and compromises to liberty, incite all forms of emotions from the viewer within the 15-minute timespan (sexy, funny, depressing) while still being entertaining and educational."
It is projects like these--using the internet to spread a message that Bush and other officials don't want us to hear--that has given the government a new interest in regulation, and their new target for war is the internet. They know that they must keep us in a perpetual state of fear in order that we be easily contained and controlled. They already think that the internet is becoming the next "public enemy." It is a relief that rebellion is what youth is all about. They don't make high school kids like they use to. We may have a future after all.


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