Dwarf Complete

Bored? Here's another Flash based game that is sure to cripple the productivity at your workplace or at home. Dwarf Complete is a non-combative, rpg/puzzle-solving game from the creators of the strange and twisted Eyemaze games. The goal of the game is to find your way through a series of different rooms solving various puzzles and collecting weapons and armor using a combination of arrow keys and clicking certain items you've collected to move forward. You may feel "stuck" a few minutes into the game, but there is always a solution. It has an auto-save feature using your browser's cookies so you can start and stop whenever you like, just make sure to keep the page in your bookmarks. Enjoy and have fun!


  1. SJ said...
    Thanks for the game.
    phoenix said...
    Your welcome! Hope you enjoy!
    Anonymous said...
    Thanks for another thing to help me avoid crap I must do...
    here's a great and fun one for you (think outside the box!)

    phoenix said...
    LMAO! The Impossible Quiz! I got to 51 T_T how about you? You should check out Bloxorz as well @ http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/games/bloxorz
    Anonymous said...
    I didn't get far in the dwarf complete game, and got totally frustrated! The impossible quiz i think I got to the 70's before my head almost exploded!
    phoenix said...
    Heh, I haven't completed the game yet... and as for the Impossible quiz: 70!?!?! Wow. I feel stoooopid! LOL!
    Anonymous said...
    Oh, and as for the Bloxs game, I've been there done that! Finished it? Notsomuch :).
    Don't feel stupid about impossiblequiz, it's only bec I found a site that had hints!
    phoenix said...
    Cheetah! LOL jk!

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