Sugar Lust

I am being consumed by manifestations of some insatiable craving for something sinfully sweet during this late hour of the night and I think I am driving myself crazy. I have been walking in and out of the kitchen, almost obssessive-compulsively, opening the refrigerator and cabinet doors only to stare at the open packages of candy, chocolate and Oreo cookies. I gape over it in hopes that perhaps it will be enough to appease this hunger. My eyes dart back and forth toward the Oreos and then to the jar of chunky peanut butter and then back again. Together in a pool of milk they are heaven! I feel almost like Louis from the Interview with the Vampire whom is challenged with the duality of his undeniable appetite for human blood opposed by his retained compassion for the people around him. I want it, almost need it, but I know I shouldn't. One bite will lead to (too) many. Despite having cooked up a fantastic dinner of curried vegetables and a pan-seared steak of tuna, this sudden desire is almost physically overwhelming and hard like a thrust to the gut. I think I will just go to bed to soften the blow. Sugar is pure "eee-vul!"


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