Echoes In a Shallow Bay

I have been listening to the Cocteau Twins non-stop the past two days and I feel as if I have rediscovered one of the greatest bands of my lifetime! I cannot help but reminisce. I can remember all of the times Julie and I have driven around in her car listening to them even if we had no real destination; sometimes half-intoxicated, sometimes not, but always having a spiritual experience. She'd wave her hands around gracefully, intertwining and encircling one another in dance, and sometimes I would join her. I also use to sneak into her room to join her every time I heard her playing them on her vintage record player, as she often did when I blared them on my cheap twenty dollar portable stereo which I rigged to output the audio through one of my practice guitar amps because the speakers had been blown out, the result of playing my music way too loud on such a small system. We would sit there hypnotized by the music, smoking cigarettes and conversing about deep philosophical sentiments that we had about the world around us, recent events from our daily lives or just random chit chat. I also remember the time we had seen them in concert together. She dropped acid that night, or perhaps had taken mushrooms, and consequently had to ride back home on her then boyfriend, Ryan's, truck-bed in the cold of the night from San Francisco all the way to the southern part of the East Bay. It's amazing how listening to music can bring back many recollections of one's past, however big or small they may be. I haven't kept in touch much with Julie since she married and had her baby, and I miss her company and all the incredible moments we had shared together. She will always hold a special place in my heart.


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